Saturday 25 August 2012

First Earthquake

Seeing as I've spent most of my life in Alberta, an area that, to my knowledge, simply doesn't have earthquakes, my first minor quake here in Japan was a bit of a surprise. There isn't much of a story to tell, but it certainly got my heart pounding. I was simply laying in bed, trying to get some sleep, when I felt the shaking start. It took a moment or two for me to realize exactly what was going on, and my thought process was alternating between 'oh my gosh this is scary' and 'wow, cool, an earthquake'. Anyway, the shaking lasted for what felt like a minute or two (though it felt like I was still shaking a little afterwards, I guess I'm not used to the sensation) before dying away. It was a pretty minor tremor, did zero damage, and probably felt very commonplace to the locals, but it still seemed like another adventure to me.

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